Glass Lining Retort Introduction Glass lining reaction tank is widely used in chemical, petroleum chemical industry, pesticide, pharmaceutical, food, dye and other industries. Glass lining reaction tank using static sealing structure, agitator and using magnetic coupling connection between motor drive, because of its transmission torque, no contact with static seal instead of dynamic seal, mechanical seals and packing seal can completely solve before can't solve the problem of the leakage, make whole medium mixing components are working in a state of absolute seal completely. Glass Lining Retort Parameters 1、Working Pressure ?.2---0.4*** 2、Acid-resistance :For a variety of organic acid, inorganic acid, organic solvent has good corrosion resistance. 3、Operating Temperature :temperature 0?200℃,Urgent degeneration of heat-resistant?00℃? 4、Porcelain layer thickness:Equipment of glass ceramic layer thickness 0.8 2.0 mm, the thickness of porcelain glass lining equipment accessories, 0.6 to 1.8 mm.